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Walking Beast

Designed, tested, and manufactured a pedal powered walking machine using SolidWorks modeling software and CNC mills and lathes. Collaborated with a team of five engineers to complete the project in five weeks in time for a class competition.

Autonomous Sailboat

Designed and constructed a 1 meter sailboat using a 3D modeled foam and wood core with a fiberglass hull and a rapid prototyped keel bulb. Implement a digital control system with a Rabbit BL2600 microcontroller for autonomous navigation between GPS waypoints.

Armless Crutch

I worked with a team of five engineers to systematically identify and implement a solution to a problem that improves the human condition. Our group chose to improve on the design of traditional crutches to better accommodate the needs of injured users. Our solution was a metal and carbon fiber armless crutch for use by individuals with lower leg injuries.

Walking Machine

I designed built a walking machine with a team of four engineers using parts from a predetermined list of materials. The machine was designed to complete an obstacle course with varying difficulty as quickly as possible against other walking machines.

Inverted Pendulum Car

I designed the analog control system to stabilize an inverted pendulum on a four-wheeled moving cart. The farther the wooden beam moves from vertical, the larger the control signal sent to the motor. I also designed a PID (Proportional Integral Derivative) controller with MatLab and implemented with electrical components on a bread board.

Game of Life

I implemented Conway's Game of Life using a Spartan 6 FPGA (field programmable gate array) on a VGA monitor. My partner and I programmed the game's rules into the logic of a "parent" cell that was then replicated 300 times into a 20x15 grid. Users provided game input through five buttons and three switches on the FPGA.

Work Stool

In an Architect course I constructed the original design of a wooden stool in the Dartmouth Wood Shop. The stool was designed first through iterative hand sketches, then with a scale model, and the full scale piece was constructed with cherry and ash wood. 

Pewter Yo-Yo

I designed the mold for a Yo-Yo using SolidWorks software and machined the mold on a CNC mill using tool paths generated in HSMworks. I then used the final mold to create both sides of the YoYo with pewter.

Plywood Bridge

I and a team of two other engineers designed, tested, and constructed a laser cut plywood bridge. The intention of the project was to learn about SolidWorks FEA (finite element analysis) capabilities and make predictions about the strength of the bridge under an applied load.

Playground Structure

Performed structural analyses on the original design of a playground structure for the Lyme Elementary School. The structure was constructed over two weekends and incorporated elements designed by groups of students in the class.

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